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Sunday, March 31, 2013, 17:00 - 19:00
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В концерте выступят три выдающихся музыканта современности: 
скрипач Илья Калер, пианист Алон Гольдштейн и виолончелист Амит Пелед

Их сольная карьера находится в высочайшем творческом расцвете, 
концертные сезоны насыщенны до предела. 
Каждый из них может подтвердить: иной раз, просыпаясь утром в отеле, 
нужно время, чтобы сообразить, в какой стране находишься в данную минуту.  
Публика  "Musicales" уже имела возможность услышать 
таких великолепных музыкантов, как Алон Гольдштейн и Амит Пелед. 
В концерте 31 марта в ансамбле с ними выступит 
победитель Международного Конкурса им. Чайковского 1986 года
единственный в мире скрипач, завоевавший золотые медали на трех 
самых престижных международных конкурсах (Чайковского, Сибелиуса и Паганини), - 
Илья Калер.

Несколько лет назад музицируя втроём, эти музыканты создали ансамбль под названием "TEMPEST TRIO".
Они "открыли" крайне редко исполняемое произведение Эрнеста Блоха "Три Ноктюрна"
которое было написано в 1924 году. Музыка чудесная. 
Третья часть - третий ноктюрн носит название "Tempestoso".
Оно и подсказало название этому необыкновенному трио: "Tempest Trio". 

Несмотря на огромную сольную концертную нагрузку, 
музыканты с удовольствием исполняют "фортепианные трио" великих композиторов.
Каждое выступление ансамбля вызывает такой успех у публики, 
что с ними немедленно подписываются контракты на следующие сезоны. 
В программе концерта прозвучат 
Трио Бетховена (Си Бемоль Мажор, опус 11)
"Три Ноктюрна" Блоха
и после небольшого intermission ансамбль исполнит 
трио Дворжака №3 Фа минор опус 65. 

Перед концертом и во время intermission лёгкие угощения дополнят 
удовольствие от концерта и общения с выдающимися музыкантами - исполнителями.

For information, please, call: 410-207-8998 or e-mail ewmusicales@gmail.com


Concert Series "Musicales" under the Direction of 
Nonna Kaler-Slutsky presents

"Great Musicians of the XXI century"

On Sunday March 31 at 5 pm at Strathmore Mansion
(10701 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852)

Combining technical mastery, expressive depth, and performance experience, 
pianist Alon Goldstein, violinist Ilya Kaler and cellist Amit Peled 
have joined forces to form the Tempest Trio, one of the most exciting trios 
on the international scene. 
Each virtuoso member of the ensemble has a successful solo career; 
together, they bring a vitality to the concert stage with their dynamic 
musical interplay and collaborative spirit.

Program includes:

Beethoven - Trio no. 4 in B flat major Op. 11

Bloch - 3 Nocturnes

Dvorak - Trio no. 3 in f minor Op. 65

For the information please call at 410-207-8998 or

Alon Goldstein has appeared as soloist with the Philadelphia, San Francisco, Houston, 
Baltimore, Seattle, Vancouver, and Saint Louis Symphonies as well as the Los Angeles, 
London and Israel Philharmonic orchestras under such conductors as Herbert Blomstedt, 
Raphael Frübeck de Burgos, Vladimir Jurowski, Peter Oundjian and Zubin Mehta. 
He has performed at such prestigious venues as the Hollywood Bowl in LA, 
New York City’s Carnegie Hall, Metropolitan Museum and the 92 street “Y.” ; 
Salle Pleyel in Paris, Mann Center in Tel Aviv and the Kremlin in Moscow. 
“Goldstein is simply profound,” wrote The Washington Post after his 
Phillips Collection debut in Washington DC. “Goldstein is truly a jewel” 
wrote the Reutlinger Generalanzeiger (Germany), and following his 
triumphant return to the Philadelphia Orchestra the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote: 
“Such performances take a kind of courage so seldom heard these days you want to hear him at every possible opportunity”.

Ilya Kaler is the only violinist ever to win Gold Medals at all three of the world's most prestigious competitions; 
the Tchaikovsky, the Sibelius and the Paganini competitions. 
He has been compared to the likes of Heifetz and Perlman. 
Kaler has performed with the Leningrad, Moscow and Dresden Philharmonic Orchestras, 
the Montreal Symphony, the Danish and Berlin Radio Orchestras, and the Moscow and 
Zurich Chamber Orchestras, among others. 
He has recorded more than twenty CDs for the Naxos label. 
The Washington Post unabashedly lauds him as, "a consummate musician, 
Kaler is in total control at all times, with a peerless mastery of his violin." 
Kaler's recordings of the Paganini Caprices have been deemed by American Record Guide 
to be "in a class by themselves" combining "the perfection, passion, and phrase-sculpting 
of Michael Rabin with the energy, excitement, and immediacy of Jascha Heifetz."

Amit Peled
Amit Peled was hailed by the American Record Guide as “having the flair of the young Rostropovich”. 
“There were tears mixed with the applause” was written after his Kravis Center debut in Florida 
and following his Wigmore Hall debut in London the illustrious Strad magazine highlighted his 
“bold and dramatically conceived interpretations”. Mr. Peled has been featured as guest artist 
in some of the world's major concert halls including Alice Tully Hall and Carnegie Hall in New York City, 
Salle Gaveau in Paris, National Auditorium in Barcelona, Konzerthaus Berlin and the Mann Auditorium in Tel-Aviv; 
as well Grant Park in Chicago. Among the orchestras that he has collaborated with are the Baltimore Symphony, 
European Philharmonic Orchestra, Radio Symphony Orchestra Saarbrücken, Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelon, 
London Soloists, Jerusalem Symphony, the Israel Chamber Orchestra and the Musica Vitae Chamber Orchestra, to name few.

The Tempest Trio has performed in cities throughout the US including Chicago, Baltimore, Seattle, 
Palm Beach, Spartanburg SC and Washington DC. 
In 2010 the trio performed the complete Schumann trios at the Seattle Chamber Music Festival 
and was invited the following year to play the complete Brahms trios. 
The prestigious Four Arts Society invited the trio to be the featured ensemble in a 
Beethoven festival performing Beethoven trios as well as the Triple Concerto with the Palm Beach Symphony. 
The Tempest Trio has since performed the concerto numerous times across the US. 
The success of the festival resulted in an immediate reengagement to play the following season. 
In April of 2011 the Trio performed for the first time in Germany (Bad Segebeg and Borstel) 
and was immediately invited back for the 2013 season. Other upcoming highlights include concerts 
in Converse College SC, Allentown PA, Odeon series VA, Baltimore and Washington DC as well 
performances of the Triple concerto in Chicago in May 2012.

Location : STRATHMORE MANSION по адресу 10701 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852
Contact : 410-207-8998 or e-mail ewmusicales@gmail.com
